JIP (Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan): Kajian Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Politik Daerah, with registered number ISSN 2528-0724 (Online), ISSN 2503-4685 (Print) is a periodical journal conducted by a team under Govermental Studies Program, Faculty of Social and Politic Science, Universitas Pancasakti. it established since 2016.
This journal publishes research results related to the goverment studies and Local Politic. It also publishes reviews with the themes that are decided by the editorial staff of JIP. The journal is continuously published twice a year on April and September. At the 2016, JIP had been published start Volume 1 Number 1 2016. Those can be accessed via online and print.
JIP has been currently indexed by both national and international indexer institutions such as: Indonesian Publication Index (IPI-National), Google Scholar (International), Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ) and Science and Technology Index (Sinta - National).
JIP has made a major contribution in supporting the realisation of bureaucratic reformation and good governance sounding so loud so far in the scope of government and public policies in Indonesia. Therefore, the issuances of JIP officially need to be supported. As the result, it will lead the studies which have both significant and critical discourse on the development of public service can be disseminated simultaneously. The supports for the publication of JIP are an absolute requirement to keep its existence well and to make the dream of Universitas Pancasakti Tegal to become world clas universities true.
Starting from 2017 and the following years, the manuscript submission process and any other management process related to the article or manuscript will be completely administered by online through the website of JIP. The consequence of this full online process is there will be some publication delays and fewer articles. Therefore, the JIP will be published six (6) article cannot ten and then JIP management will add peer reviewers and editor board as a part ot the commitment to improve the quality of the journal publishing and also the online management of JIP.
In April 2017, JIP was listed as a crosreff member so that each article has a DOI and is indexed by an International indexing institution. In addition, JIP is also committed harshly towards National Accredited as a scientific journal.
JIP was firstly published in 2016 via http://e-journal.upstegal.ac.id/index.php/jip as the publication media. But in 2019, precisely in the publishment of vol.4 no 2 october 2019,JIP changed the domain to http://governmentjournal.org. It was due to the server's unstability on the past media. With the current domain transformation, JIP used OJS 3.1.0 software. All of the journals, which have been published in OJS 2.4.8 Software, have been migrated on the new website.