Journal Description

JIP (Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan): Kajian Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Politik Daerah, with registered number ISSN 2528-0724 (Online), ISSN 2503-4685 (Print) is a peer-reviewed journal conducted by a team under KAPSIPI (Kesatuan Asosiasi Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan Indonesia), Governmental Studies Program, Faculty of Social and Politic Science, Universitas Pancasakti. it is on the national level that covers a lot of common problems or issues related to the Government Studies. The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research result that have been archived in the area of Governmental Studies and Local Politic.

JIP was firstly published in 2017 via as the publication media. But in 2019, precisely in the publishment of vol.4 no 2 october 2019,JIP changed the domain to It was due to the server's unstability on the past media. With the current domain transformation, JIP used OJS 3.1.0 software. All of the journals, which have been published in OJS 2.4.8 Software, have been migrated on the new website.

Journal title Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan : Kajian Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Politik Daerah
Initials JIP
Frequency 2 issues per year
DOI prefix 10.24905 by
Print ISSN 2503-4685
Online ISSN 2528-0724
Editor-in-chief Arif Zainudin
Managing Editor Restu Wahyuno
Publisher Universitas Pancasakti Tegal
Citation Analysis SCOPUS | Web of Science | Google Scholar

Vol 10 No 1 (2025)

In Pres

All manuscripts that have been accepted by JIP editors are currently in the editing process. For manuscripts that have completed editing will be immediately displayed in this issue.

Published: Mar 12, 2025

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